What is Soul Purpose Coaching?

Soul purpose coaching is a form of personal development coaching that focuses on helping you discover what drives you at your core, and then how to align this with your unique purpose, in this lifetime.
The Aim of Soul Purpose Coaching
To delve into the spiritual and intuitive dimensions of your life, guiding you towards a deeper understanding of your purpose and then supporting you to live a more fulfilling and authentic life. Part of this growth is to improve your intuition and understanding of life. Then you will blossom.
This is your ‘gut feeling’ and something that has kept humans safe and thriving in the past. In modern society, we often quash our intuition and dismiss it as simply a fairytale. Yet, if you talk to any entrepreneur or successful individual, they have all trusted this ‘instinct’ to get to where they are today. Honestly, if you are brave enough to follow your inner knowing, you will be on a path to success. The sad part of that statement is to follow this ‘knowing’, we often must confront the expectations of the world around us, including our families and ourselves. Soul purpose coaching will help address this conflict.
How Do We Harness Your Soul’s Purpose?
Together we will work to explore your passions, values, strengths, and desires, aiming to uncover a deeper calling or purpose that resonates with your soul, or inner self. You will work towards clarifying your goals, identifying your unique gifts and talents, leading to an understanding of how you can best contribute to your own well-being, and that of the world. Part of discovering your purpose is to see how you can contribute, in a meaningful way, anywhere from a microcosmic family change to the big picture, changes that impact the world.
Everyone’s Purpose, and Path to Get There, is Different.
Some people are born with amazing gifts or talents, and they love to share them as it makes them happy. Singers and songwriters are one of the easiest examples of this. You could be world-famous or the choir organiser in the local hall, you are still impacting and bringing joy to others around you.
Other people may overcome hurdles or challenges in life. Sharing your story or product, with your community, or the world, can inspire others to make a change, so they can live their purpose with greater ease.
Sometimes we find our passion accidentally. Taking an art class because we were keeping a friend company or going traveling and seeing something that transforms your way of thinking. Then bringing that insight or hidden talent back to alter your daily life. From making your workplace more beautiful so you enjoy being there, to creating a whole new career or maybe just having the confidence to move jobs to something more fulfilling are some examples I have seen.
What is My Role as a Soul Purpose Coach?
Simply to provide support, guidance, and accountability to you, as you embark on your journey of self-discovery and soul purpose alignment. Empowerment. We will work together to challenge and overcome limiting beliefs, fears, and obstacles. The very things that often hinder our progress through life, even if you do not believe in souls or a purpose in life! Once we have established these, you will create action plans and strategies to manifest your soul purpose in practical ways.
Even the idea of doing this work is what makes me feel complete. When I help people transform and improve their lives, even in small ways, it makes my day better. I do not feel exhausted at the end of the day, and I enjoy going back to work the next day. Helping others transform their life through education and empowerment is part of my life’s purpose. I have been doing this for years and was never able to name what makes one day easier than the other until I looked at life through this lens. Now I can, and I love it.
Soul Purpose Coaching Encompasses Both Personal and Spiritual Growth.
Recognising the interconnectedness of these aspects, you will draw upon a range of spiritual and metaphysical principles, such as the law of attraction, energy work, mindfulness practices, and universal wisdom, to assist in aligning your actions and mindset with your soul’s calling. If that sounds weird, don’t stress, we are simply trying to work out what makes you feel fulfilled and then how to harness this into your future, whilst still allowing you to enjoy life and earn a decent wage. For those interested, there are books to read to understand the science behind some of these ideas. For others, just looking at life through a different lens can be enough to help find purpose, where once there was none.
Soul Purpose Coaching is Not Tied to Any Specific Religious or Spiritual Belief System!
I will never suggest doing things only one way, as there are many ways to accomplish ‘finding your purpose’. I will always adapt my language and skills to work with an individual’s own beliefs and values, whilst still providing a framework for exploring and manifesting their unique purpose and potential.
In Summary
My hope is that soul purpose coaching offers you a supportive and transformative space to explore your deeper self, connect with your inner guidance (intuition), and live a more fulfilling life that is in alignment with your soul’s purpose. Ethical and fulfilling.
If any of this resonates with you, or if you are curious as to where this could take you, simply contact me and we can set up a time to have a free, no-obligation 30-minute session on this topic. Simply email me at katie@thegroundeddoctor.com.au to set up a time that suits you.