For those seeking more holistic care as they transition through life
Integrating the grounding wisdom of nature with intuition and modern medicine.
All times in the appointment book are in Qld time. No matter where I am they remain the same.

Dr. Katie Allen
Katie believes a person’s health relies on their sense of purpose and well-being in the world.
She is well known for her listening skills and holistic open-minded, practical approach to medicine. Integrative health is individual health and Katie takes this approach into every consult.
Katie’s particular interest in women’s health, fertility, and hormonal wellness, places her in the perfect place to deal with the intricacies of the perimenopausal period.
The Facts
- Bachelor of Medicine (MBBS)
- Certificate in Sexual and Reproductive Health
- Continuing education through FEMM
- Member of the Australasian Menopause Society
- Numerology student
- Reiki qualifications
- Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practioners (RACGP)
- Bachelor of Agriculture (first class honours)
- Certified Dharma Coach
- Fellow (paperwork pending) of the Australian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine (ACNEM)
- Most importantly partner to a beautiful man and mother to 4 children
In Katie’s own words…
Over the years I have seen many people come in with hindsight saying “I wish I had listened to that nudge from the universe. I didn’t and now I’m really suffering.” (Replace ‘suffering’ with various other phrases, including unprintable words, and the impact cannot be missed.)
Hearing these stories for years made me realise why we need to integrate other modalities into our lives.
Take a moment to reflect and listen to your intuition. Do you need to make some changes to improve your health?
That’s why I’m here. To offer you support if you want to make changes.
My services blend medicine and science with an open mind to help you explore holistic/alternative options so you can get the best of both worlds.
I love being a General Practitioner who provides integrated holistic health.
Why Work with Dr. Katie Allen?
Katie genuinely pays attention and takes the time to listen to you. She will collaborate to formulate strategies and individualise a plan that will work for you, rather than prescribing a one size fits all approach.
Katie is open to alternative ideas, whilst utilising nutritional medicine and following modern science.
Katie can help you navigate your holistic health story to maximise your health, especially when the traditional medical model does not fit with your values.
Katie is confident using all types of hormone replacement therapy, and happy to work with GPs, who may be nervous about starting these.
Every consultation covers these pillars of health:
Initial Appointment
45-60 minutes
We have an in-depth discussion about the current status of your health and create a plan so you can achieve your health goals. If relevant to menopause, we can discuss HRT, to see if it’s right for you.
Cost $270
Follow-up Appointments
25-30 minutes
COST $180
30-45 minutes
COST $220
45-60 minutes
COST $270
How many appointments will I need?
It depends, but I recommend an appointment every 3-6 months or until you are able to transfer to your usual GP, and then additional appointments only as needed.
Bookings are now available in person or via telehealth
All appointments are on Queensland time.
To get in touch, or arrange an in-person appointment in Adelaide or Brisbane,
please email me at
Ready to find more joy and purpose?
3 or 6-month soul-purpose coaching packages are available. Coaching sessions are available on a weekly or fortnightly basis.
To find out if this is suitable for you, book a discovery call.
For more information please send an email to
Note – The cost of coaching sessions cannot go through Medicare.
Soul-Purpose Coaching
I believe everyone has a purpose in life.
If we can find our purpose we can improve our health and also our joy in life. This makes us feel more connected and sets an example for those around us, of what life can be like.
My interest in this stemmed from years of seeing people doing ‘all the right things’ according to society’s expectations and still feeling empty.
Once you start to align with your purpose, that emptiness goes. The world seems brighter and you feel more alive. It is not always an easy path to take, however, it is rewarding.
These coaching sessions are for people who would like to change their life and feel more aligned to their calling. Or, perhaps, they just want to understand themselves a little better. Or, to continue to grow as a person and help empower others in their circle to start to grow too.
If you’re interested please get in touch so we can set aside time for a free discovery call.
What is the difference between menopause and perimenopause?
Menopause is officially the time 12 months after your periods stop.
Perimenopause is often the more problematic time for women. It is the time leading up to menopause – this can be several months to years of noticeable changes in a woman. Only 20% of women report no changes to their body whilst transitioning to post-menopausal life.
Unfortunately, some women continue to experience these symptoms decades after menopause.
Most importantly menopause signals a massive metabolic shift in life.
Symptoms range from mild to severe and typically include – night sweats and sleeping difficulties, dry skin, body aches and pains, vaginal dryness and loss of libido, mood and memory changes, and for some hair loss. Changes in fat distribution also occur.
These changes can be altered with lifestyle factors and, when required, with factory-made or compounded HRT.
With this in place, I have not yet met a patient who doesn’t feel better, sleep better, and have more vitality. Many women are then ready to tackle other issues in their lives and try new things. Others simply enjoy things going back to ‘normal’.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you work with men?
Can I see you for a cough or cold?
Can I see you in person?
If you are in Adelaide, contact me and we can discuss options – home visits, group sessions, dining room chats, or walk and talk. If you are in Brisbane I am back every few months so I can arrange similar options if you would like to be on a waiting list. Unfortunately, if you are elsewhere, I am unable to see you in person at this stage. I am moving throughout the country for the next few years, so have opted for telehealth for my job security.
Can I get a Medicare rebate?
In some circumstances. If I see you in person, then yes I can for 12 months. Otherwise the most common rebate I offer is for reproductive and fertility help. Menopause symptoms and treatment plans fall into this category. In most other cases, you will not be able to claim a rebate. This is a Medicare ruling as I am not seeing you in person. It is not my choice.
Do I have to fill in the new patient form before seeing you?
The new patient form makes our time together more efficient and allows me to ask more pertinent questions in a more timely manner.
If I’ve seen you before in another practice, please fill in the new patient form again.
The form is quite comprehensive, so please make sure you have 5-10 minutes set aside.
At the moment, you have a free pass while I update my form, so stay tuned.
Do I have to do a blood test before seeing you for the first time?
If you have had a comprehensive blood test in the 3 months prior to seeing me, you are welcome to email this to prior to our appointment. Alternatively, let me know the pathology company and an approximation of the date you attended, so I can download them. This can save repetition of blood tests.
If you have not had recent blood tests please send through an email, and I can provide one prior to the consult. For this to work you will also need to have registered as a patient and put your medicare card into the system. If you are able, please do the blood test on day 2-5 of your cycle (if you have one), it will give us more information to work with.
If this is all too much, I can still see you! We may just need to adjust when your follow-up appointments occur.
What are compounded hormones?
I recommend only going to chemists who compound regularly. Many will post their products to you if you live in a regional area.
Do you only use compounded hormones?
I tend to use factory made (bought from any chemist) hormones where possible. I use compounded hormones where it is cheaper or the preference of the person.